nasal mucus

美 [ˈneɪzl ˈmjuːkəs]英 [ˈneɪzl ˈmjuːkəs]
  • 网络鼻涕;鼻粘液;流鼻涕
nasal mucusnasal mucus
  1. Western medicine diagnosis criteria : ① paroxysm rhinocnesmus , continuous sneezing , nasal obstruction , nasal mucus of clear-thin and much quantity were main symptoms , accompanying with symptoms of hyposmia , itching of eyes and itching of throat .


  2. Nasal mucus is the first line of defense against the millions of bacteria that constantly try to invade the body .


  3. Role of physical factors on nasal mucus cilia clearance system


  4. Lateral transport of odorant molecules from the flowing gas stream onto the nasal mucus surface ;


  5. Pathological research on injecting the gallnut compound to nasal mucus in Wistar rats for treatment of epistaxis


  6. Conclusion : Through a comparison between inferior turbinate resection under mucosa and treatment with laser ect , microlesion treatment is proved to be better for decreasing the bad impression on nasal mucus cilia clearance system .


  7. However , in circumstances of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps , the mucus may be produced excessively and its rheological properties changed .


  8. Drink a cup of tea or place a warm washcloth on your cheeks to force the microscopic hairs - cilia - in your nasal passage to pass mucus on .


  9. This disease can cause patient high fever , oraland nasal mucosal bleeding or mucus oversecretion , reduction of milk production even off production , pregnant cow abortion or stillbirth , fetal anomalies and other symptoms .


  10. Now if this drips down the back of the throat , which we call a post nasal drip , the mucus will slide into the bronchi , that 's the tubes that lead to the lung , and then a little lower down which will irritate the lung .


  11. Conclusions Nasal fluid possibly plays a role in inhibiting penetration of allergen into the nasal mucosa by producing protease inhibitor protease complex in the nasal mucus layer of patients with mite allergy .
